Message from the green Fluorite Unicorn:
Treat yourself and others with kindness, empathy and understanding. Radiate warmth and love. Connect with nature spirits, especially the element of water as this will help you to bring clarity to your emotions, and empathy to your thoughts and thus harmony and balance between your heart and mind.
This crystal is available in at least seven distinct colors, influenced by the chemical composition of the quarry and its environment during formation. Ranging from purple to yellow, green, clear, and even "rainbow," Fluorite exemplifies the ability to enhance beauty by harmonizing with its surroundings and maximizing its inherent qualities.
Fluorite has been highly valued throughout history and continues to be a sought-after gemstone today, celebrated for its rarity and stunning array of colors and patterns. In ancient Rome, it was particularly esteemed among the Caesars for its intricate designs. Historical records indicate that Emperor Nero purchased a Fluorite cup, a luxury item that would equate to approximately $300,000 in contemporary currency.